Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Prof Dr. Baharuddin Aris
    Semester : Semester I 2010/2011

    Synopsis :

    This is a foundation course with the main purpose of introducing to the students several definitions of educational technology (process & product) and current development of ICT and its impact towards teaching, learning and management. Other aspects that will be discussed include human-computer interaction, interactive learning technology, knowledge management, and also research, development and publication related to ICT applications in the teaching and learning process. This course also include instructional design (ID) models related to the development of interactive multimedia stand-alone for learning, Internet-based learning and computer-based information and resource system management.

    Course Outcomes :

    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Describe several definitions of educational technology (process & product).
    2. Evaluate up-to-date information and communication technology (ICT) and analyze critically how it can be applied in the educational field.
    3. Discuss issues related to human-computer interaction, interactive learning technology and knowledge management.
    4. Analyze critically current research and development based on publications in the area of educational technology.
    5. Differentiate and apply several instructional design (ID) models in the development of interactive multimedia stand-alone for learning and Internet-based learning.

    Creative Commons License This work, MPT1113 Foundation to Educational Technology by Prof Dr. Baharuddin Aris is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
    • Topic 1

      Technology in Teaching & Learning

      · Product and Process of Educational Technology

      · Development of Educational Technology

    • Topic 2

      ICT Concepts

      · Definition of ICT

      · ICT jargon

      ICT in Education

      · Organization related to ICT in Education such as State Educational Technology Division & Educational Technology Division (Ministry of Education, Malaysia), META, SEAMEO INNOTECH, IASTED and AECT

      · References related to ICT in Education such as MOJIT, AJET, JITE, IJEL, IJJKM. etc

      AR note sharing


      How computer works?

      Look at organization related to ICT in Education in Malaysia and other countries;

      Look at references related to ICT in Education in Malaysia and other countries;

      Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology (MOJIT)

      Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (JIKM)

      Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET)

      Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE)

    • Topic 3

      State-of-the-art and up-to-date ICT

      • State-of-the-art and up-to-date ICT hardware and software
      • Critical analysis of ICT hardware and software).
    • Topic 4

      Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
      • HCI concept
      • User-friendly computer hardware design
      • Ergonomic and its relation to design
      • Find information about HCI, Interactive Learning Technology, MIS, KM & e-learning management systems.
    • Topic 5

      Interactive Learning – Technology and Facilities

      · Smart Classroom concept and its relation to T&L

      · Interactive Learning System

    • Topic 6

      Information and Knowledge Management

      · Management Information System

      · Knowledge Management

    • Topic 7

      ICT in T&L and Management in schools and universities

    • Topic 8

      Student-centred and Active Learning Using Technology

      · Student-centred and active learning concepts

      · Student-centred and active learning strategies

      . Discuss presentation 3 & examples, also useful guide to research report and thesis writing;

      . Concepts & examples.
    • Topic 9

      Research-based papers/articles related to ICT in Education

    • Topic 10

      Introduction to Instructional System Design

      · Basic Instructional System Design (ISD) concept

      · Instructional Design (ID) Model and application to the design and development of electronic T&L materials