Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Farhana Johar
    Prof. Dr. Shaharuddin Salleh

    Semester : Semester II 2013/2014

    Synopsis :

    This course will provide the basic programming skill in Computer C++ Programming.Topics include flowcharts, algorithms, basic syntax in C++, procession of compiling, pre-processing components, operators, loops, branches, data/variable types, strings, arrays, functions, pointer and structure. Students will learn to write an efficient and maintainable programs using Microsoft Visual C++ software. The lectures are supplemented with the non-trivial lab exercises.

    Creative Commons License This work, SSCM1313 C++ Programming by Farhana Johar & Shaharuddin Salleh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
    • Topic 1

      Introduction to C++ Programming

      This chapter is an introduction to computer programming which contains the programming concept and its useful in modeling and simulation including some technical approaches to programming: top-down methodology, flowchart, algorithm and pseudocode.
    • Topic 2

      Variable and Data

      This chapter discusses different data/variable types, prototyping and preprocessing requirements. Logical and mathematical operators. Basic input/ouput statements and formatting, using cout, printf and cin. Building mathematical expressions. Low level arithmetic operations.
    • Topic 3

      Loop and Branching

      This chapter describes the three loops: for, while and do…while, conditional branching with if…else and multiple branching with switch.
    • Topic 4

      Array and File I/O

      One and two dimensional arrays, input and output file and string.
    • Topic 5

      Structure and Array Applications.

      Structure and array applications. Discussion on mathematical problems involving matrices.
    • Topic 6

      Class, Object and Functions.

      Object-oriented approach. Class, object and method. Function for modularity in program design. Data passing between functions.