Study of motion of an object with mass, m
experiencing a constant force, F
Improved Euler Method (Initial half step method) In X and Y dimension

import static java.lang.Math.*;
public class fma04 {
public static void main(String args[]){
double m, fx, fy, x, y, vo, vx, vy, ax, ay, t, delt;
double pi, th, theta, ymax, tmax, xmax;

pi = 4.0*atan(1.0); m = 0.1; // in kg
fy = -0.2; // in N (pulling down force)
fx = 0.0; // in N (retarding force)
ay = fy/m;
ax = fx/m;

vo = 50.0; //in m/s
theta = 30.0; //in degrees
th = theta*(pi/180.0); //degrees change to radian

vx = vo * cos(th); // in m/s
vy = vo *
sin(th); // in m/s
y = 1.2; // in m
x = 0.0; // in m
//initialize var ymax with initial value of y
delt = 0.01; // in s
for(t=0.0; t<=30.0; t=t+delt){
System.out.printf("%f %f %f\n",t,x,y);
if (t==0.0){
vx = vx + 0.5*ax*delt;
vy = vy + 0.5*ay*delt;
vx = vx + ax*delt; vy = vy + ay*delt;
x = x + vx*delt;
y = y + vy*delt;
if (y>ymax) {
ymax=y; xmax=x; tmax=t;
if (y<=0.0) break;
System.out.printf("# Value of Y maximum is %f happened when t = %f \n", ymax, tmax);
System.out.printf("# at x = %f.\n",xmax);
System.out.printf("# The object reach the ground at x=%f and t=%f\n", x,t);
Last modified: Monday, 16 July 2018, 1:27 PM