Topic outline
- Topic 1
Topic 1
Roles of Teachers
Teachers play different roles in class. These roles include imparting knowledge, motivating students, and mentoring. These different roles have various effects on the students and the teacher himself/herself.
- Topic 2
Topic 2
Teaching and Learning Philosophies
This topic will look into the Instruction Paradigm and the Learning Paradigm.
- Topic 3
Topic 3
Language Teaching Principles
This topic will look into teacher-centred and student-centred principle of language teaching.
- Topic 4
Topic 4
Approaches to Teaching Methodology
Some of the teaching methodologies to be learnt are kinesthetic and communicative.
- Topic 5
Topic 5
Lesson Planning- Guidelines to writing a lesson plan
Students are given the guidelines on writing a lesson plan, for example, the three stages of lesson which include pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading activities.
- Topic 6
Topic 6
Teaching Language Skills
This topic will include the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- Topic 7
Topic 7
Classroom Organization & Instruction
Classroom organization such as students' seating has various impacts on the lesson to be delivered and the the students' learning.
- Topic 8
Topic 8
- Topic 9
Topic 9
- Topic 10
Topic 10
- Topic 11
Topic 11
- Topic 12
Topic 12
- Topic 13
Topic 13
- Topic 14
Topic 14
- Topic 15
Topic 15