Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Mohd Adib bin Sarijari
    Rozeha binti A.Rashid

    Semester : I, 2016/2017

    Synopsis :

    This course is about signals and their processing by systems. It involves: Modelling of physical signals by mathematical functions, Modelling of physical systems by mathematical equations, Solutions of the equations when excited by the functions. The course provides the fundamental to all engineering. Steps involve in engineering are: Model system- Involve writing a mathematical description of input and output signals, Analyse system: Study of the various signals associated with the system, Design system: Requires deciding on a suitable system architecture, as well as finding suitable system parameters, Implement system/test system: Check system, and the input and output signal, to see that the performance is satisfactory.


    Creative Commons License This work,SKEE2073 - Signal & System by Mohd Adib bin Sarijari and Rozeha binti A.Rashid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
    • Topic 1

      Introduction to Signal and System
      • Topic 2

        Signal Operation
        Time-based operation, amplitude-based operation, addition and multiplication, and convolution
        • Topic 3

          Basic Function
          Introduction to a number of basic functions, graphically and mathematically
          • Topic 4

            Discrete Time Signal & Type of System
            Introduction to discrete time signal, its properties and system operation
            • Topic 5

              Introduction to Convolution and operation to signal
              • Topic 6

                Fourier Series Part I
                Introduction to Fourier series to represent periodic signal in time domain and frequency domain
                • Topic 7

                  Fourier Series Part II
                  Complex Fourier Series, Parserval’s theorem, and Fourier Series application in circuit
                  • Topic 8

                    Fourier Transform
                    Introduction to Fourier Transform to represnet unperiodic signal
                    • Topic 9

                      Fourier Transform Properties
                      The properties of Fourier Transform
                      • Topic 10

                        Fourier Transform Applications
                        The application of Fourier Transform
                        • Topic 11

                          Laplace Transform
                          Introduction to Laplace Transform for signal represntation
                          • Topic 12

                            Laplace Transform Properties
                            The properties of Laplace transform
                            • Topic 13

                              Laplace Transform Circuit Analysis
                              Circuit analysis using Laplace transform
                              • Topic 14

                                Filter and Transfer Function
                                Introduction to filter and the transfer function
                              • Topic 15

                                Bode Plot
                                Introduction to Bode Plot and the application
                                • Topic 16

                                  Filter Design - Chebyshev
                                  Chabychecv filter design
                                  • Topic 17

                                    Filter Design - Butterworth
                                    Butterworth filter design