Topic outline

  • General

    Lecturer : Samsudi Bin Sakrani
    Semester : Semester I 2010/2011

    Synopsis :

    This course introduces students to the science of materials, including the scopes of physics, chemistry and basic engineering which complement the so called interdisciplinary area of materials science. Emphasis is given on three main elements: Structures, Properties and Performances, with an additional material's applications. Atomic/sub-atomic structures, bonding, crystal structure and defects will be described. Properties (electrical, mechanical, optical) and Performances (processes and deformation) will be included. The uses of selected materials will also be considered.

    Course Outcomes :

    At the end of this lecture students should be able to:

    1. Understand the various structures of materials
    2. Identify important properties of materials
    3. Categorise material's performances
    4. Use the materials for certain applications

    Creative Commons License This work, SSP2412 Material Science by Samsudi Bin Sakrani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
    • Topic 1

      Introduction to Materials Science - Background, Definition, Basic structures and properties, Types of materials (Metal, alloy, semiconductor, ceramic).
    • Topic 2

      Sub-Atomic and Atomic Structures - Atomic model, electronic structures, Quantum states, Periodic table.
      Atomic Bonding - Ionic, Covalent, Metallic, van der Waals, Hydrogen, Mixed bonding, comparison.
    • Topic 3

      Crystal Structures - Definition, Baravais lattices, Metallic crystal structures (SC, BCC, FCC, HCP), Miller indices, Determination of crystal structures (using XRD).
      Crystal Defects - Point defects, Line defects, Surface defects, Dislocations
    • Topic 4

      Diffusion - Self-diffusion, Inter-diffusion, Diffusion mechanism, Activation energy, Diffusion equation.
    • Topic 5

      Electrical Properties - Electronic properties: Theory, Transport mechanism; Resistivity, Conductivity, Dielectric properties
    • Topic 6

      Magnetic Properties - Magnetism: Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetic and related (Antiferromagnetic, Ferrimagnetic).
      Optical Properties - Light interaction, colour, Refractive index, Scattering
    • Topic 7

      Mechanical Properties - Stress and Strain, Elastic deformation, Plastic deformation.
      Mechanical Testing - Tensile Test, properties obtained from tensile test – yield strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, ductility, Impact Test, Fatigue Test, Hardness Test – Moh test, Brinell Test, Vickers Test, Knoop Test, Rockwell Test.
    • Topic 8

      Semiconductors: Properties, Processing and applications (electronic & optoelectronic devices)
    • Topic 9

      Ceramics: Properties, Processing and Applications
    • Topic 10

      Material Processes - Introduction: Casting, Forming, Rolling, Forging, Sheet metal, Semiconductor Processing, Ceramic processing, Plastic processing, Cutting, Joining, Welding, etc.